Taxes in Retirement

Liz Whitteberry |



An online webinar to help you understand the impact taxes will have on your retirement income and ways you can minimize taxes, maximize income, and preserve your wealth.


Register and watch today to avoid high taxes in retirement!



Watch this webinar now to learn about:

  • The changing rules for a retiring generation of baby boomers
  • Little-known strategies that reduce your annual tax bill
  • Ways to take control of your future tax bracket to minimize taxes over retirement
  • Possible tools and strategies available to retirees to help you develop a retirement tax strategy
  • Whether a Roth conversion is a good idea or not
  • How the Secure Act impacts your retirement savings
  • Common misconceptions about taxes in retirement
  • Why tapping assets in the wrong order can increase Medicare premiums
  • How rising taxes may affect your retirement cash flow
  • Critical mistakes to avoid when it comes to your investments, health care and estate


You should watch this webinar now if:

  • You have significant retirement assets to protect ($2M+)
  • You want to pay as little in taxes as possible.
  • You want to create tax-efficient retirement income.
  • You want to create a legacy that blesses your children and grandchildren.
  • You want to ensure that the government is not your biggest beneficiary.



Listen and learn as our founder shares her knowledge and expertise on these important topics. 

Our goal in sharing this information is to equip you with the most up-to-date and comprehensive information regarding retirement taxation, so you'll be better positioned to develop a successful retirement tax strategy that can potentially safeguard you from over-taxation.

All with the goal of saving you money!


Prefer to talk one-on-one? 

You can schedule a 15-minute conversation with our founder here to get some answers to your specific questions.



Neither J.W. Cole Financial, Inc. (JWC) nor its representatives provide legal, tax or accounting advice. Persons who provide such advice do so in a capacity other than as a Registered Representative of JWC.